November 14, 2012 8:45-10:15am
Community Foundation Transfer of Wealth Study at Human Services Coalition Forum
615 Willow Avenue
Ithaca, NY 14850
Creating Permanent Charitable Resources for Local Control
Attend this monthly meeting of non-profit leaders, employees and volunteers to learn more. An unprecedented transfer of wealth from the World War II generation to the baby boomers and then from the baby boomers to the next generation is happening right now!
In the 50 years from 2010 to 2060, $38.63 billion will transfer from one generation to the next in Tompkins County.
If only 5% of this local wealth was earmarked for charitable endowments, the resulting $1.93 billion fund would generate millions of dollars, untouched by government budget cuts, every year for local community projects and priorities—forever. After just ten years, local charitable endowments could hold a $126 million value resulting in grants for local needs of $6.3 million.
George Ferrari of the Community Foundation will present the latest research on the transfer of wealth potential for Tompkins County and how donors and their professional advisors can make specific plans to leave philanthropic assets for the benefit of the community.
Those in attendance will also have the opportunity to announce coming events and share items of interest to the local human service community. The Human Services Coalition, acting in its role as the umbrella agency for local health and human service providers and planners, sponsors this monthly forum to provide the opportunity for an open exchange of ideas and information. A variety of topics and speakers are featured, and all who are interested in human services and their efficient delivery are urged to attend.